Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Old Harlow, Essex CM17 0HA
Parish Priest: Rev. John Corbyn (Ord ) Presbytery Telephone: 01279-429388
Parish Website: [email protected]
Parish Deacon: Rev Michael Smith Glenside, Little Brook Rd, Roydon CM19 5LR.
07765-948293 [email protected]
SUN 25th in Ordinary Time SUNG MASS 10.00 am
22nd September 2019 6.00 pm People of the Parish
retiring collection: Home Mission Sunday
TUE MASS 10.00 am Our Lady of Walsingham
WED MASS 10.00 am The sick of our parish
THU MASS 10.00 am Gerald & Mary Birchall (aniv)
FRI MASS 10.00 am For the poor
followed by Adoration & Confession 10.30 am
SUN 26th in Ordinary Time SUNG MASS 10.00 am
29th September 2019 6.00 pm People of the Parish
The Departed: Michele & Roy Grangier. Mrs Nieves Boyes, Mrs Emily Nelson
The new ‘Parish Office’ inside the Hall is now open. Please DO NOT use Church House.
Church House is the private residence of Fr Michael and he should not be approached about any parish matters: these should be referred to Fr John Corbyn under all circumstances.
MASS INTENTION Envelopes are now back in use for you to book a Mass for your loved ones.
BIBLE STUDY: Next meeting 18th September 7.30pm in Fatima Hall. All are welcome.
Journey of Faith 2019 – 2020
Discovering the Catholic Faith
The Journey of Faith Programme is designed to help any adult who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith, and grow in their relationship with God and each other.
Are you yourself or do you know someone not baptized or baptized in another denomination, who is thirsting for what it means to become a Catholic? Perhaps someone already Catholic who has not yet received Confirmation or Communion or someone who simply needs to refresh their faith journey?
This year we are offering an opportunity to come along for a short, chat about joining the group exploring our faith.
If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in this exciting opportunity please give details to Fr. John or Deacon Michael. You will then be invited to an evening preliminary session in the Parish Hall.
A Holy Hour including Exposition will be provided on a Friday morning for one hour after Mass during which time Fr John will be available for confessions.
For the present, Confession outside this time will be available on request.
“The CRASH COURSE, Catholic sexual morality explained to young people.
Course starting October 2019, go to for full details and free registration.
Come and be surprised at the beauty of our Catholic Faith in some of the most challenging areas of life!”
FUNDRAISING FOR THE HALL: All donations welcome. We have availability day and evenings Monday to Friday for anyone who might be interested.
LIFT UP YOUR VOICE! Our Lady of Lourdes, Cambridge Park, Wanstead, E11 2PR 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Registration from 7 p.m. Tuesday, 29th October 2019. Cost £7.50.
A key issue that often unites all Christian communities is a lack of the musical resource called for on so many occasions, particularly, perhaps, in the oncoming Advent and Christmas seasons. This is a short course led by RSCM’s Stuart Robinson aimed at those perhaps without trained organists, substantial choirs or worship bands; in short anyone with limited musical resources or needing of can-do and encouragement. It offers some straightforward musical ideas to get your parishioners singing - with or without instruments. We will include hymns, songs, rounds and settings of the set texts for singing during the Eucharist, Mass or other formal service. Above all we will demonstrate techniques for teaching all sorts of new music to your parishioners in a simple and achievable way. Book on line at, or e mail [email protected] or leave a message on 01277233302 and we’ll get back to you.
Fr John GOD BLESS YOU ALL Deacon Michael
Parish Website: [email protected]
Parish Deacon: Rev Michael Smith Glenside, Little Brook Rd, Roydon CM19 5LR.
07765-948293 [email protected]
SUN 25th in Ordinary Time SUNG MASS 10.00 am
22nd September 2019 6.00 pm People of the Parish
retiring collection: Home Mission Sunday
TUE MASS 10.00 am Our Lady of Walsingham
WED MASS 10.00 am The sick of our parish
THU MASS 10.00 am Gerald & Mary Birchall (aniv)
FRI MASS 10.00 am For the poor
followed by Adoration & Confession 10.30 am
SUN 26th in Ordinary Time SUNG MASS 10.00 am
29th September 2019 6.00 pm People of the Parish
The Departed: Michele & Roy Grangier. Mrs Nieves Boyes, Mrs Emily Nelson
The new ‘Parish Office’ inside the Hall is now open. Please DO NOT use Church House.
Church House is the private residence of Fr Michael and he should not be approached about any parish matters: these should be referred to Fr John Corbyn under all circumstances.
MASS INTENTION Envelopes are now back in use for you to book a Mass for your loved ones.
BIBLE STUDY: Next meeting 18th September 7.30pm in Fatima Hall. All are welcome.
Journey of Faith 2019 – 2020
Discovering the Catholic Faith
The Journey of Faith Programme is designed to help any adult who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith, and grow in their relationship with God and each other.
Are you yourself or do you know someone not baptized or baptized in another denomination, who is thirsting for what it means to become a Catholic? Perhaps someone already Catholic who has not yet received Confirmation or Communion or someone who simply needs to refresh their faith journey?
This year we are offering an opportunity to come along for a short, chat about joining the group exploring our faith.
If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in this exciting opportunity please give details to Fr. John or Deacon Michael. You will then be invited to an evening preliminary session in the Parish Hall.
A Holy Hour including Exposition will be provided on a Friday morning for one hour after Mass during which time Fr John will be available for confessions.
For the present, Confession outside this time will be available on request.
“The CRASH COURSE, Catholic sexual morality explained to young people.
Course starting October 2019, go to for full details and free registration.
Come and be surprised at the beauty of our Catholic Faith in some of the most challenging areas of life!”
FUNDRAISING FOR THE HALL: All donations welcome. We have availability day and evenings Monday to Friday for anyone who might be interested.
LIFT UP YOUR VOICE! Our Lady of Lourdes, Cambridge Park, Wanstead, E11 2PR 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Registration from 7 p.m. Tuesday, 29th October 2019. Cost £7.50.
A key issue that often unites all Christian communities is a lack of the musical resource called for on so many occasions, particularly, perhaps, in the oncoming Advent and Christmas seasons. This is a short course led by RSCM’s Stuart Robinson aimed at those perhaps without trained organists, substantial choirs or worship bands; in short anyone with limited musical resources or needing of can-do and encouragement. It offers some straightforward musical ideas to get your parishioners singing - with or without instruments. We will include hymns, songs, rounds and settings of the set texts for singing during the Eucharist, Mass or other formal service. Above all we will demonstrate techniques for teaching all sorts of new music to your parishioners in a simple and achievable way. Book on line at, or e mail [email protected] or leave a message on 01277233302 and we’ll get back to you.
Fr John GOD BLESS YOU ALL Deacon Michael