Baptism is the Rite by which a person (whether baby or adult) is made a member of the Church of Christ.
Normally a child is baptised in the parish to which its parents belong, and fairly soon after birth. One parent (if not both) must be a baptised Roman Catholic and who is able to make a profession of Christian faith and also pledge to bring up their child in the Catholic faith. To arrange a Baptism you are invited to call the Parish Priest on 01279 434203 Confirmation is the Rite by which a baptized person (being at least 14 years old) is anointed with Sacred Chrism (Holy Oil) and receives and outpouring of the Holy Spirit enabling him/her to give witness to the faith of daily life. Confirmation is celebrated usually every third year, coinciding with the Bishop’s Visitation. Eucharist (The Mass or Holy Communion) is the memorial celebration of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and is the source and summit of all Christian Life. It is customary for children to receive Holy Communion for the first time upon attaining the age of reason (generally reckoned to be somewhere around 7 years of age). There are classes for children’s instruction and parents are invited to help. Adult converts to the faith, receive Holy Communion after having completed a process of instruction and training which usually lasts for a year or more and is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. To enquire about RCIA you are invited to call the Parish Priest on 01279 434203 Reconciliation commonly called ‘Confession’. This Sacrament is generally available on Thursday between 10:30 am and 11.00 am – but also at any reasonable time on request to the Parish Priest 01279 434203. Matrimony is defined by the Church as the loving union of a ‘man and a woman’ who wish to give themselves to each other (till death does them part) and to raise children if God wills. No one can get married in the Catholic Church without having undergone a Marriage Preparation Program. Such programs are run in this Parish as needed. Intending spouses should make an appointment to see the Parish Priest (call 01279 434203). At least nine months’ notice should be given before the proposed wedding date. Anointing of the sick is for those suffering serious illness and may be requested at any time when a Priest is available. |